I Learned/TIL
[TIL] Klip, EIP-5114
2022. 7. 10. 01:54
[TIL] Klip, EIP-5114
- 2022.07.10
- SBT 구현을 위한 학습
KaKao Klip - App2App API
- 기본적으로 인증이 필요하지 않음
- API 요청시 - Request Key를 발급하여 사용
- Request Key 발급 절차
- prepare API를 통해 인증 또는 서명할 내용을 전달
- 응답으로 Request Key를 전달
- 전달받은 Request Key를 이용하여 Deep Link를 호출하고, 모바일 카카오톡 더보기 탭에 있는 Klip 실행
- 처리 결과는 Result API를 통해 polling
- Query 파라미터 Request Key에 어떤 요청에 대한 처리 결과를 얻고자 하는지 전달
- prepare API를 통해 인증 또는 서명할 내용을 전달
Ethereum - EIP-5114 : SoulBound Token
- SoulBound Token : 거래 불가능 NFT
interface IERC5114 {
// fired anytime a new instance of this token is minted
// this event **MUST NOT** be fired twice for the same `tokenId`
event Mint(uint256 indexed tokenId, address indexed nftAddress, uint256 indexed nftTokenId);
// returns the NFT token that owns this token.
// this function **MUST** throw if the token hasn't been minted yet
// this function **MUST** always return the same result every time it is called after it has been minted
// this function **MUST** return the same value as found in the original `Mint` event for the token
function ownerOf(uint256 index) external view returns (address nftAddress, uint256 nftTokenId);
// returns a censorship resistant URI with details about this token collection
// the metadata returned by this is merged with the metadata return by `tokenUri(uint256)`
// the collectionUri **MUST** be immutable and content addressable (e.g., ipfs://)
// the collectionUri **MUST NOT** point at mutable/censorable content (e.g., https://)
// data from `tokenUri` takes precedence over data returned by this method
// any external links referenced by the content at `collectionUri` also **MUST** follow all of the above rules
function collectionUri() external view returns (string collectionUri);
// returns a censorship resistant URI with details about this token instance
// the tokenUri **MUST** be immutable and content addressable (e.g., ipfs://)
// the tokenUri **MUST NOT** point at mutable/censorable content (e.g., https://)
// data from this takes precedence over data returned by `collectionUri`
// any external links referenced by the content at `tokenUri` also **MUST** follow all of the above rules
function tokenUri(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string tokenUri);
- 클레이튼에서 SBT 구현을 위해 이더리움 EIP에서 SBT 관련 부분을 공부했습니다.